People First, Design Second
As a designer, it is all about your vision. After all, dreaming up and realizing that vision is what you are paid to do. But, do you start by thinking about the vision first or the end user? We are all about elevating the human experience, which means we believe in people first, design second. Here is how that looks in everything from medical facilities and senior living facilities to corporate interiors and commercial spaces.
Patient Experience In Healthcare
In medical facilities, human-centered design and design thinking should be centered on the patient. Are you including sound-absorbing materials in the areas that patients are being cared for or are resting? Have you made sure to allow for as much natural light throughout the facility as possible? Are your workstations thoughtfully placed, so they will improve the staff workflow and also better cater to patient needs on demand? How disruptive is your nurse call system? Thinking through how it would actually feel to be a patient on the premises can help to fuel the right design that serves their needs.
Senior Living Facilities
When it comes to care homes for the elderly, there is a lot you can do with design to improve residents’ quality of life. For one, many folks in senior living facilities struggle with impaired memory, and getting from point A to point B can be confusing and frustrating. So the right wayfinding solution is crucial. Furthermore, many residents can get lonely between visits from their family. When you design, think about how you can use technology like interactive TVs to enable them to connect with loved ones via Skype, view photos and enjoy entertainment options.
Corporate Interiors
When someone refers to an office building as looking “corporate,” it is not usually a good thing. Corporate buildings are often seen as dry, boring and cold. Your designs can reimagine them and make them more inviting for the people who work there. Think about how employees and visitors might enjoy an interactive video wall or how the business could automate their lighting to create intentional moods. There are many options and, again, you will discover more of them when you put yourself in the shoes of the folks who will be walking through those doors every single day.
Commercial Spaces
When you are designing a commercial building, like a hotel or retail store, human-centered design tells you to think about the people who will work at the businesses as well as those who will patronize them. It is important to cater to both sets of people and create a delightful experience for all. Think about how you can make the space more engaging with solutions like digital art and intentional sound design. The more you can appeal to all of the senses, the more enjoyable the commercial space will be to the people spending time there.
Designers are visionaries, and we love and applaud that. As you create the vision for your next space, remember to start with the humans in mind first and let the design follow their lead. If you would like to work with a partner who believes in human-centered design and design thinking like you do, give us a call!