Why Lifecycle Management is Key to a Successful AV Project

Project Managers put a lot into managing AV projects. You worked with the best designer, a great AV partner and your boss is happy. You are done, right? Well, not exactly. Do not forget about lifecycle management and ongoing AV support. Without audio visual maintenance, all the hard work you put into a project will be for naught when it breaks down or does not work like it should. To help you prepare for the utmost in lifecycle management, here are some tips.
1. Proactive > Reactive
You do not want to be the person who only attends to your systems when something is wrong and yet many people end up in this category. It is too easy for other priorities to take precedence, and eventually you just forget about maintenance until it is shouting at you for attention. Instead, plan to be proactive. Put maintenance reminders in your calendar at regular intervals, and plan out a lifecycle management schedule so you proactively consider changes that will need to be made.
2. Content Updates
One of the main areas to watch out for is the content being displayed via your AV systems. For example, it is a bad look if a doctor’s office sees patients roughly once a year but their TVs are still showing the same information every time they come in. Make a plan to refresh your content at a consistent cadence so your visitors are kept up-to-date with changes and can enjoy a dynamic experience when they visit. If you are not sure how to do this, or simply do not have the time, loop in a partner to help perform this service.
3. Aging Technologies
It is not just people who get older with every passing year; it is also your tech. If you consider your AV system a done deal once it is implemented, you are forgetting this important axiom. Daily, weekly, monthly and annual maintenance is necessary for your systems in order to keep them in tip-top shape. Eventually, you will need to update or replace them but taking good care of them now will mean you will get the most life out of them (which, of course, also means the most ROI). Again, if you do not know how to handle audio visual maintenance in lifecycle management, call your AV partner for support.
Lifecycle management is critical to making the most of the project you invested so much time and heart into, and to extending the life of your AV systems. Need help making this a priority? We would love to support you!